Oh dear Pookie, you touched our lives in more ways than words will allow. All of us who live our lives (according to Pookie) upside down are heart broken at your passing, but rejoice that you’re with our Lord. We will see you later and then we will all rejoice together. 💔
14th November 2023
The little birds trust God, for they go singing
From northern woods where autumn winds have blown,
With joyous faith their unmarked pathway winging
To summer lands of song, afar, unknown.
Let us go singing, then, and not go crying:
Since we are sure our times are in His hand,
Why should we weep, and fear, and call it dying?
It's merely flying to a Summer Land.
R.I.P. dear Steve, you are sadly missed by everybody who knew & loved you and your ministry.
Philip & Brenda Bevan
21st October 2023
All my memories of you Steve are happy ones. You staffed on my Cursillo. (#49) You were part of the team that guided me through that weekend. Your faith, your smile, your hugs and your desire that everyone knows the love of God filled me with hope and enhanced my own faith. You were an inspiration and it was an honour to call you my friend. Rest in peace Steve and rise in glory. Ultreya. xxx
Sammy Wall. (Canterbury #49) xxx
18th October 2023